Where change-makers meet
Centralize all your employee resource group (ERG) programs in a virtual hub full of opportunities to support a shared cause.

Social wall
Like, comment, share, and join your friends’ andcolleagues’ giving and volunteer activity.

Friendly competition with colleagues to see who can do themost good deeds—and have the most fun.

Personalized feed
Volunteering, donation, and skill-sharing opportunities aretailored to your Community’s unique interests.

Creating a culture of service will bring your employees’inspiring stories to the center of your internal and external brand.
Our partners are seeing a direct causal link between agreater sense of togetherness and purpose at work with hiring,retention, and long-term fulfillment.
Your organization needs to efficiently allocate companyresources—like money and people-power—to important causes.Our dedicated virtual space helps you organize fundraisers andevents, ramp up participation, and use data to steer your programto new heights.