Trust & compliance
We care about your security Security and privacy best practices are embedded throughout our design and development processes. Therefore our solutions seamlessly bridge the security controls required by data privacy laws to our user-friendly platform.

Deed offers one of the most rigorous vetting processes in the industry, with proprietary anti-money laundering technology and daily screening cycles. Our secure payment infrastructure is built to deliver the highest payment success rate thanks to the ironclad donation infrastructure powered by premiere partners like PayPal Giving Fund.
All data found on Deed is fully encrypted, both in-transitand at rest, using industry best practices and standards. Deedalso maintains strict organizational requirements for the use ofcryptographic controls, in order to protect the confidentiality,integrity, and authenticity of customer information.

Data privacy
Deed’s technology is architected and implemented toensure that your company’s information is only accessible byauthorized individuals, utilizing features such as role-based userpermissions, Single Sign-On (SSO) and human resourcesinformation systems (HRIS) integrations, as well as standard userpassword requirements. Our goal is to provide a safe, secure, andmeaningful social impact tool, and our team is fully prepared tomeet your company’s data privacy needs.

We collaborate with privacy and security professionalsand our vendors to ensure our platform can meet your dataprotection needs
- California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)Deed’s security program and practices aredesigned to be CCPA compliant.
- European Union’s General Data ProtectionRegulation (GDPR)Deed’s data processing agreements comply with allapplicable GDPR requirements.
Network security
To validate the effectiveness of our information securityprogram, Deed continuously monitors and assesses oursecurity programs, including through
- Third-party penetration tests
- Routine vulnerability scanning
- Continuous application monitoring and routine auditlog analysis
- Routine testing of and updates to our businesscontinuity and recovery plans
- Least privilege access controls
- Quarterly risk assessment reviews to evaluate theeffectiveness of our practices.
Our partners are seeing a direct causal link between a greater sense of togetherness and purpose at work with hiring, retention, and long-term fulfillment.
Rally your employees around sustainability, inclusivity, and a fairer workplace for allDeed’s all-good-in-one platform democratizes ESG, so our whole team can contribute to the massive project of making your organization a force for good in the world.
Vast content library connects you with endless opportunities to support +2 million fully vetted nonprofits.

Our ESG reporting is much better and more clear. We’re impressed with the ease of data migrations and Deed’s amazing user interface."